Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Technology in my classroom...

When I first arrived at Spring Creek Elementary school, I was not quite sure what to expect, technology wise. However, I was quite surprised by the amount of technology that was in the classroom. The teacher has a microphone that hangs around her neck and amplifies her voice, so she doesn't have to  yell to get the attention of the students. There are also 6 computers that the students use during the different centers, or if they get their work done early. 

My favorite thing in the class is the promethean board. It is like an interactive whiteboard, that allows the teacher to have lesson pre-prepared, and not have worry about management problems when your back is turned and you are writing on the white board. You can prepare your worksheets, and other things for you lesson. You do not have to worry about using an overhead projector and overhead sheets, because everything is organized on the computer! It is amazing. 

I had the chance to use the promethean board while reviewing vocabulary, for me it was more fun than just handing out a worksheet while the students worked on vocabulary at their desks. This allowed me to be more interactive with all of the students at once, and not have them yelling out, asking questions. It was magnificent!

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