Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Location Activity                                  Google Earth Content
1. Manifest DestinyThe students will go
to the designated
website and learn 
about the manifest
destiny by completing
a fantastic worksheet.

The students will use the
GoogleEarth tool that
lets them measure the
distance from coast to coast.

2. Lousiana PurchaseThe students will learn
about this significant 
land purchase that 
increased the size
of the United States. 

The students will look United States
and how the Louisiana Purchase
increased the size of the U.S. and how it
compares to what the U.S. looks like today.
3. First Transcontinental Railroad The students will look at the
designated website    and complete the 
questions on
the website.

The students will measure the distance between 
Omaha and Sacramento, where the railroad is, on GoogleMaps. 
4. Promontory PointThe students will look at a website and look at the important role that promontory point plays in the transcontinental railroad, while completing a worksheet.The students will use GoogleMaps to locate promontory point, and learn more about the Golden Spike.

Details of image overlay / path / polygon: The students will use Google maps to identify different historical points on the map.

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